The MegaWide Classic pickup is an exclusive update to the 451E round baler feeding system. Providing a wider pickup and a spiral rotor for improved crop feeding and pickup capacity, the MegaWide Classic pickup works to increase baling efficiency. Features include:
The small-diameter, low-profile pickup allows for good ground gauging and clean crop retrieval.
Compressor rods are contoured to control hay over the pickup radius for positive feeding. The compressor rack can be adjusted upward or downward to match the volume of material in the windrow and can be easily removed to match crop conditions.
The adjusting crank positions the pickup to the desired operating height to match crop or field conditions.
The G5e monitor-controller is included with the automatic electric twine tie option and the Edge-to-Edge net wrap option on the 451E Baler. The monitor sounds an alarm for near-full, full, and oversized bales.
The audible level of the monitor can be adjusted.
The G5e External Speaker is an optional attachment for G5e displays only.
The external speaker device provides increased volume levels for all G5e display notifications. It will omit a sound separate from the G5e display to assist baling operations in situations with high in-cab noise or for operators with hearing impairments. It is installed externally on the harness and can have volume levels changed by manually turning the front dial left or right. Adding the external speaker increases G5e notification volume by 16 percent. The external speaker is optional and is available as an attachment.
The 1 Series Round Balers came standard with an adjustable hitch. This feature allows the hitch height to be adjusted to optimize crop-feeding performance. Due to the wide array of tractor tire sizes and drawbar heights, hitch adjustment may be necessary to get the proper feed opening of the baler. The adjustable hitch eliminates the need for the 51-mm (2-in.) thick tractor drawbar kit (AE57344) because it has a wider opening.
Benefits of the adjustable hitch:
All eight bolts must be used when adjusting the hitch. There are four different positions as shown below:
As the hay enters the forming chamber from the pickup, belts immediately turn the hay to form a tight, dense core.
Incoming hay then feeds between the bale and the lower gate roll. Hay is tightly compressed into smooth, dense layers as it enters the bale.
Chaffing is greatly reduced to prevent loss and retain hay quality in the bale.
The idler arm rises with bale growth, forcing oil from the hydraulic cylinder through a pressure-relief valve to maintain uniform bale density throughout the bale-forming process.
John Deere's 178-mm (7-in.) wide diamond-tread design ensures fast bale starts and grips the bale to prevent slippage and reduce chaffing. The treads are self-cleaning to reduce carryover. The belts are staggered to reduce the loss of fine material and are closely spaced to contain the hay for fast, easy starts.
The belts enclose 91 percent of the bale width to reduce loss of fine material and retain hay quality.
The staggered belt roll design enables any loose hay under or behind the belts to be returned to the pickup and into the baler. This design helps to prevent buildup at the front of the baler, which could cause hay loss and belt or splice damage.
Every baler in the 1 Series Family uses DiamondTough belts. Belts are constructed using a patented triple-weave process of nylon and polyester materials.
They have the strength to handle heavy shock loads and help maintain consistent belt length.
The DiamondTough belts are more puncture and tear resistant than other belts on the market and provide improved belt life and reliability.
All of the 1 Series Balers use the plate-type fasteners.
This closed-loop design uses a plate fastener with pre-assembled rivets that lock the fasteners into the belt, providing a powerful vice-type grip on the belt.
Belts-other - width | 17.8 cm 7 in. |
Density control | Hydraulic |
Bale size indication | Not available from factory, available as dealer-installed options |
Regular pickup - Bars | Four |
Regular pickup - Number of teeth | 72 |
Regular pickup - Tooth spacing | 6 cm 2.6 in. |
Size | Diameter 89 - 152 cm 35 - 60 in. Width 117 cm 46 in. 1.2 x 1.5 m 4 x 5 ft |
Weight | Full-size bale in dry crop 454 kg 1,000 lb |
Weight | Shipping - 1,701 kg 3,750 lb |
Length | Gate closed 361 cm 142 in. Gate open 455 cm 179 in. |
Height | Gate closed 260 cm 102 in. Gate open 325 cm 128 in. |
Width | With standard tires 226 cm 89 in. |
Belts-other | Number Six Width 17.8 cm 7 in. Texture Diamond Tread friction surface belts DiamondTough, triple-weave, single-ply belts |
Density control | Hydraulic |
Bale size indication | Not available from factory, available as dealer-installed options |
Width | Inside 117 cm 46 in. Flare 141 cm 56 in. |
Bars | Four |
Number of teeth | 72 |
Tooth spacing | 6 cm 2.6 in. |
Lift control | Adjustable height control |
Gauge wheels | Semi-pneumatic |
Stripper diameter | 25.4 cm 10 in. |
Control | Automatic to preset to bale size |
Type | Standard Electric |
Twine arms | Two |
Twine ball capacity | Four |
Gate closed | Symbol on monitor |
Bale size | Mechanical |
Near full bale | Audible alert |
Full bale | Audible alert |
Twine arm position Indicator | Mechanical |
Auto wrap | Activates when bale reaches preset size |
Oversize bale | Yes, audible and mechanical alerts |
Standard | 11 L - 14 |
Drive protection | Shear-bolt |
PTO speed | 540 rpm |
Type | Constant-velocity (CV) |
PTO lockback collar on tractor hookup | No |
PTO 60-degree free rotation | No |
Minimum PTO | Dry Hay and Silage - 42 kW 55 hp |
Hydraulic SCV valves | One tractor selective control valve (SCV) is required when baler is equipped with electric twine wrap. Two tractor SCVs are required when baler is equipped with hydraulic twine wrap. Three tractor SCVs are required when baler is equipped with hydraulic twine wrap and a hydraulic pickup lift. |
Date collected | 22-Aug-2023 |
1Offer valid on qualifying purchases made 04 February 2025 through 30 April 2025. Subject to approved installment credit with John Deere Financial. No down payment required. $27.78 per month for every $1,000 financed. 0% APR for 36 months only. Taxes, freight, setup, fees, and delivery charges could increase monthly payment. Sales made to government agencies, company direct sales or other businesses/agencies that participate in John Deere's Special Discount Program or in John Deere's Rental Business Program are not eligible. Available at participating U.S. dealers. Prices and models may vary by dealer. Offer available on new John Deere Round Balers, Round Bale Accumulators, Small Square Balers, Mower-Conditioners (excluding Triple-Mounted Mower-Conditioners), and Disc Mowers ONLY and in the U.S. only. Prices and savings in U.S. dollars.
1Offer valid on qualifying purchases made 04 February 2025 through 30 April 2025. Subject to approved installment credit with John Deere Financial. No down payment required. $16.67 per month for every $1,000 financed. 0% APR for 60 months only. Taxes, freight, setup, fees, and delivery charges could increase monthly payment. Sales made to government agencies, company direct sales or other businesses/agencies that participate in John Deere's Special Discount Program or in John Deere's Rental Business Program are not eligible. Available at participating U.S. dealers. Prices and models may vary by dealer. Offer available on new John Deere 450E, 450M, 460M, 460R, 550M, 560M, 560R, 451E, 451M, 451R, V451R, V461R, C451R, C461R Round Balers ONLY and in the U.S. only. Prices and savings in U.S. dollars.
1Offer valid on qualifying new purchases made 04 February 2025 through 30 April 2025. Prices and models may vary by dealer. 10% off the agreed upon purchase price of new John Deere 450E, 450M, 460M, 460R, 550M, 560M, 560R, 451E, 451M, 451R, V451R, V461R, C451R, C461R Round Balers Only. This offer cannot be combined with regular installment options. Sales to government agencies, company direct sales or other individuals or entities participating in any John Deere Special Discount Program or Rental Business Program are not eligible. Other restrictions may apply. See participating dealer for details and other financing options. Offer is available only at participating United States dealers. Prices and savings are in U.S. dollars.
2Offer valid on qualifying new purchases made 04 February 2025 through 30 April 2025. Prices and models may vary by dealer. 8% off the agreed upon purchase price of new John Deere Round Balers, Side-Pull Mower-Conditioners, C300, and C350 Mower-Conditioners only. This offer cannot be combined with regular installment options. Sales to government agencies, company direct sales or other individuals or entities participating in any John Deere Special Discount Program or Rental Business Program are not eligible. Other restrictions may apply. See participating dealer for details and other financing options. Offer is available only at participating United States dealers. Prices and savings are in U.S. dollars.
3Offer valid on qualifying new purchases made 04 February 2025 through 30 April 2025. Prices and models may vary by dealer. 6% off the agreed upon purchase price of new John Deere Small Square Balers, and C400,C450,C500 Mower-Conditioners only. This offer cannot be combined with regular installment options. Sales to government agencies, company direct sales or other individuals or entities participating in any John Deere Special Discount Program or Rental Business Program are not eligible. Other restrictions may apply. See participating dealer for details and other financing options. Offer is available only at participating United States dealers. Prices and savings are in U.S. dollars.
Prices and availability may vary by dealer. Taxes not included. Images for illustration purposes only. Financing subject to approved credit by John Deere Financial. Down payment may be required to receive financing. Restrictions may apply outside of Hutson’s area of responsibility. See dealer for details.